In this present time in this country, many young adults and middle-aged alike have been falsely deceived regarding their sexuality. Globalized-leading economies and greedy moneymakers from various industries have caused many men and women to think that they're sexually free when the devastating truth is that they're in bondage. This sexual revolution breaks down marriage, breaks down families, it breaks down societies. Rapes go up, prostitution go up, sexual infections and diseases go up, children being born out of wedlock.
"20- and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross. 21- And you, who once were alienated and hostile in mind, doing evil deeds, 22 he has now reconciled in his body of flesh by his death, in order to present you holy and blameless and above reproach before him, (Colossians 1:20-22)."
This is not sexual freedom, it's rebellion from the rules that were put in place to protect you. There are going to be consequences for living in the passions of the flesh. It's desire is to destroy you. Do you get this, sin's goal is to destroy YOU and keep YOU from GOD and YOU are POWERLESS to stop it. Why do you want to die for the temporary fleeting things in this life that you do not own and cannot satisfy. Sleeping around is NOT going to make you complete. It robs you of the deep lasting intimacy that should've been reserved for your husband. You should've been waiting for him and don't blame society because everybody's doing it. I'm preaching to myself as I say this. When you stand before God, He's going to ask YOU what did you do with your life for me?
Every human being is going to have to stand before God. I bought into the lie that sleeping around was sexually freeing. I had multiple partners and I couldn't understand for the life of me why I couldn't keep a man or get a boyfriend. My ex never said this to me but the guy that I fell in love, in some way I believe he broke up with me because of this though he's never said it to my face. How do you deal with the hurt of something like that? What do you do when the world tells you that it's okay to sleep around but right back treats you like a prostitute? One night I finally saw if I kept doing what I was doing, chasing race cars with no car, I knew death would be soon encroaching on me. this was December 2008. I told God I wanted out, this was not how I should be living. He answered my prayer and removed me from it. I've come to know of other girls who have been through the same situation as myself and have not received the same grace and protection that I've been given. I will say it again, sexual freedom as the world defines it is bondage. True sexual freedom is ONLY found in Christ when the lost soul realizes the one that they rejected and scoffed is the One that died to set them free. But it doesn't end there, Christ is risen! He reigns on high! And He's still working! He sees you lost one, He sees you broken and contrite when you think no one else sees you. Don't let it be too late and end up saying, I wish I listened to that person. It's not too late. He forgives, He heals. Confess your sins to Him. He's listening and His arms are wide open to receive you.
If you are not a believer, you are dead in your sins, you're a slave to them. Christ is the only way out from the bondage and slavery of sin. He took the wrath that should've been poured out on you. He loves you and hates your sin, He's not indifferent to your sins. Because God is holy and just, He cannot stand the sight of sin before Him. Sin will be judged.
For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 6:23).
In Christ you are a new creation. He died for every single sin you've committed and will commit. There's two ways to live, for yourself. The result of that is a wasted life that leads to death. If you live for Christ, you will have life and have it abundantly and for all eternity you'll be with Him.
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